Here is a sales update for the Timberlake neighborhood. There are currently 39 active listings including homes and lots. Sales activity on the lake is picking up due to prices that have not been seen in years. Let the experts at Exit Real Estate Consultants help.
- Closed: 1 lot
- Average days on market: 260 days
- Average listing price: $69,900
- Average selling price: $41,000
- Average acres: 3.52
- Average $/acre: $11,647
- Closed: 8 homes
- Average days on market: 155 days
- Average listing price: $268,475
- Average selling price: $257,156
- Average square feet: 2571
- Average $/sq. ft.: $100
- Active listings: 21 homes; 18 lots
- Average listing price: $280,729
- Average days on market: 373 days
- Average square feet: 3122
- Average $/sq ft.: $140
Timberlake active listings as of 08-30-2012:
