Lake Murray Real Estate Update 11-11-2011


Rescue agencies train on Lake Murray – Lexington County fire, EMS and law enforcement agencies are training to use special “short haul” rescue equipment donated by SC E & G. SCE & G recently purchased the short haul equipment for the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department’s rescue helicopter. “The equipment will enable deputies to use the agency’s helicopter to rescue people who need assistance in the Saluda River, other waterways or isolated, flooded areas in Lexington County, Sheriff James Metts said. A training session was held Thursday, Oct. 27 on Lake Murray.

Midlands Striper Club holds Lake Murray tourney – The Midlands Striper Club gathered at Lake Murray’s Spinners Resort on Sat. Oct. 15 for a club tournament. The format for the tournament featured both individual and team competitions. The bites were much tougher to come by when compared to September, with the wind making the anglers work hard to keep baits in the strike zone. Thirty two anglers brought a total of 30 striped bass to the scales. In the individual competition, anglers could weigh their three largest striped bass. Lester Jones of Lexington was the top angler of the day and made short work of the field. The weights of his three largest fish totaled 16 pounds, 14 oz.

The last Regatta on Lake Murray in 2011 – This coming weekend, the Columbia Sailing Club will host the final Regatta of the 2011 sailing season. The Midlands Regatta will feature races for many classes from Sailfish, Laser, Lightning and MC Scow, to the cruising sailboat which will race in the cruising class which has a “no spinnaker, no whisker poles” rule. Registration for the event cost $25 and best accomplished by using the Columbia Sailing Club website


**All information Provided by The Lake Murray News**


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