Here is a sales update for the Ballentine Estates neighborhood. There is currently 1 active listing which is a lot. Sales activity on the lake is picking up due to prices that have not been seen in years. Let the experts at Exit Real Estate Consultants...
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Ballentine Estates is a well-established neighborhood on Lake Murray, SC. These homes have either three or four bedrooms and range in price from $236,000 to $345,000 and up. Some of the homes are even larger, but the average square footage for the homes ...
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Posted on February 27, 2012 - 04:00 pm
by Craig Summerall
Check out our newest neighborhood page on Ballentine Estates here. Ballentine Estates Homes For Sale - Lake Murray SC Real Estate Ballentine Estates is a well-established neighborhood on Lake Murray, SC. These homes have either three or four b...
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